Our Advisers

Mr. Abhijit Lal Roy


Mr. Abhijit Lal Roy had studied in Patha-Bhavan School, Kolkata and had his graduation with Honours in History from Presidency College, Kolkata.  Having completed the Post-Graduate Diploma in Social Work, he started his professional career in the field of Human Resources Management. Having worked with Public Sector and Multinational Companies of repute for more than over 40 years, currently he is engaged as an independent Consultant in the field of Human Resources Management. His interest is centred around human development and therefore Kolotan's efforts on an all-round child development synergises with that of his own.

Dr. Ananda Lal Roy


Dr. Ananda L Roy is a biomedical scientist based in Washington, DC USA.  He also directs large multinational science programs.  Ananda likes to write, paint and play table. Ananda is blessed and fortunate to be associated with Kolotan.  Kolotan is a unique effort to educate children not only through didactic teaching, but primarily drawing from natural surroundings and through audiovisual communications.  Because our mother nature is the best teacher we have, this method of nurturing ensures that every child grows up to become a complete human being and learns to be in unison with nature.  

Biswanath Dasgupta


Biswanath Dasgupta, popularly known as BDG Sir among his students, is one of the founder members, and the major force behind The Telegraph Education Foundation (TTEF) – a nonprofit foundation doing charitable work in the field of education for the past 26 years. Every year TTEF provides 400+ scholarships to needy students in the State. BDG Sir heads the Scholarship Programme of TTEF. Every year he along with Barry O’Brien, presents The Telegraph School Awards for Excellence – an annual event which culminates the Foundation’s exemplary work.

Ms. Krittika Sengupta


Ms.Krittika Sengupta was associated with Patha Bhavan, Kolkata for forty long years and retired as the head of the Montessori and Primary Dept in 2019. Later in 2020-2021 she served as the academic mentor in Patha Bhavan, Dankuni. She had written books for children based on the primary curriculum published by well known publishing houses and served as an adviser for a text book. She is passionate about children's drama and directed various plays successfully in Patha Bhavan Kolkata. She was invited to conduct a workshop for children on Bengali rhymes on the environment at the nature study park in Kolkata and had arranged a few on various topics for  the teachers as well.

Shivaji Banerjee


Shivaji grew up in Kolkata in a very modest family. He got complete independence and was encouraged to choose what he likes from a young age, which was furthered by his schooling at Sishu Sathi and Patha Bhavan Kolkata. Later in life he pursued Undergraduate studies in Physics and Postgraduate studies in Radiophysics Electronics and Business in India and USA. He works for a large technology company in US for the last twenty-five years. In his free time he likes to do photography and writes.  Shivaji is very enthusiastic about what Kolotan is trying to achieve through Kobiguru’s way of teaching that inculcates freedom of thinking among its pupils and wish Kolotan’s students every success.

Mr Sanjay Sen Gupta


Mr Sanjay Sen Gupta is a practicing artist, researcher, writer, and educator based in Kolkata. With a Masters’ in Painting and PhD in Fine Arts (Visual Arts) from the University of Calcutta, he has been teaching various aspects of Drawing, Painting, Design and Composition in several institutes in West Bengal for the last twenty years. He has brought to light the oldest wooden idol ever found in West Bengal and arranged for its safe custody to the State Archeological Museum Kolkata.

Dr. Maitreesh Ghatak


Maitreesh Ghatak is a Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics and an elected Fellow of the British Academy. Before joining the LSE he taught at the Department of Economics at the University of Chicago. His main areas of research interest are development economics, public economics, and the economics of organizations. He is also an essayist writing on a range of economic, social, political, cultural, and policy issues for a broader audience in various newspapers, magazines, and blogs, in both English and Bengali. He was educated in Patha Bhavan School, Kolkata, Presidency College, Kolkata, Delhi School of Economics, and completed his PhD in Economics at Harvard University in 1996 under the supervision of Eric Maskin and Abhijit V. Banerjee.
Opening Hours

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 10am – 4.30pm
Sat: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Sun: 10.00 am – 3.00pm
Public Holidays: as advertised

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