Art Workshop

KOLOTAN thoroughly believes in the idea that art is the most vivid way in which one expresses themselves the best. It is through art that one can vent, create and express at the same time. KOLOTAN provides a safe space for the enthusiasts to come together every year to join an art workshop where experts from various fields of art contribute their time and effort to help the people from the local rural community to express their artistic zeal. 

KOLOTAN also wants to lend a helping hand to those deserving candidates who are talented but lack resources to pursue education due to a lack of financial aid. Therefore, KOLOTAN organizes an Art Scholarship Competition every year through which 10 students from three groups receive scholarships.

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    Opening Hours

    Opening Hours

    Mon-Fri: 10am – 4.30pm
    Sat: 9.30am – 3.00pm
    Sun: 10.00 am – 3.00pm
    Public Holidays: as advertised

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