Our Trustee

Tapas Mondal

One of the founders & President

Acquisition of Knowledge is the inherent characteristic of all creatures. Learning is the ways of the world. KOLOTAN nurtures this natural habit in an orderly manner. KOLOTAN aspire to cultivate each and every dimension of knowledge in order to embrace life at it’s fullest.

Sujoy Sarkar

One of the founders & Secretary

Life is finite, but in these finite moments we
aspire for the infinite. KOLOTAN is beyond the transient. KOLOTAN encourage thoughts that are timeless. KOLOTAN is an endless flow of eternal joy. All that is eternal is the Truth. The Truth is KOLOTAN.

Ritibrata Samanta


Human beings are considered the most intelligent of all creatures. We have achieved marvels that made the impossible, possible. KOLOTAN feels the necessity to fan the flame of ambition in
every child, into a fruitful journey through life. KOLOTAN will nudge them to soar for greater

Bivas Mondal

One of the founders & Trustee

KOLOTAN is synonymous to Creativity. All that is creative is nourished at KOLOTAN. From an organisation, KOLOTAN strives to become an institution where besides creativity, sensibility, culture, and love for one another is nurtured.

Sayrul Molla

One of the founders & Trustee

KOLOTAN is not mere a strive for achieving success in its own field. Rather its a journey within each of the individuals own understanding of the world, a continuous and collective effort to delve deep into the seemingly complex patterns of the surrounding society only to come up with more simplified yet unique solutions
to solve the problems that come in the way to make this planet a better place to live.

Pratick Das

One of the founders & Trustee

Boundless joy, unbridled love, sincerest care: these are the things that means “Kolotan” to. The world becomes a better place to live in when when all come together as a community to actively make it better. In order to make our mark, to leave behind a legacy, to carve out our niche, we don’t have to antagonise our people, but be one with them, be one with nature.

Dipanwita Kundu


Human beings are not lonesome creatures. We need co-operation from one another in order to survive. And we look up to those who are kind to us. KOLOTAN aspires to be the visionary institute that puts out a wave of positive influence into the society which inspires unity.

Tanmoy Mondal

One of the founders & Trustee, Teacher

KOLOTAN is a medium, a medium which effortlessly resonate the music of tomorrow, reaching far and wide, soaring for the skies. The music that holds the power to cease the dark clouds of hard times and hailstorm of difficulties, and make them dance to its tune.

Souravi Ghosh


KOLOTAN is a way of life where every bud is nurtured so it can bloom into the potential to its fullest. Here we do not believe in casting individuals in moulds to fit into the society.

Opening Hours

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 10am – 4.30pm
Sat: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Sun: 10.00 am – 3.00pm
Public Holidays: as advertised

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